AGW Controls Fraudulent and Political

Margaret Mead, American cultural anthropologist

Image via Wikipedia

Time to highlight the proof that the AGW movement is far from genuine.

So here are some relevant extracts from a published article that shows that, back in 1975, the movement was born out of the desire to control industrial activity and the population.

Unbelievable? Please check these out and then read the original article linked in the ‘Carbon Attack ‘Motivation” post.

Global Warming” is, and always was, a policy for genocidal reduction of the world’s population. The preposterous claim that human-produced carbon dioxide will broil the Earth, melt the ice caps, and destroy human life, came out of a 1975 conference in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, organized by the influential anthropologist Margaret Mead, president of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), in 1974.

Mead—whose 1928 book on the sex life of South Pacific Islanders was later found to be a fraud—recruited like-minded anti-population hoaxsters to the cause: Sow enough fear of man-caused climate change to force global cutbacks in industrial activity and halt Third World development. Mead’s leading recruits at the 1975 conference were climate scare artist Stephen Schneider, population-freak biologist George Woodwell, and the current AAAS president John Holdren—all three of them disciples of Malthusian fanatic Paulhrlich, author of The Population Bomb.

Guided by luminaries like these, conference discussion focussed on the absurd choice of either feeding people or “saving the environment.” Mead began organizing for her conference, “The Atmosphere: Endangered and Endangering,” shortly after she had attended the United Nations Population Conference in Bucharest, Romania, in August 1974. She had already bullied American scientists with her Malthusian view that people were imperiling the environment. She wrote in a 1974 Science magazine editorial that the Population Conference had settled this question: ‘At Bucharest it was affirmed that continuing, unrestricted worldwide population growth can negate any socioeconomic gains and fatally imperil the environment…. The earlier extreme views that social and economic justice alone can somehow offset population increase and that the mere provision of contraception can sufficiently reduce population—were defeated.’

Access the complete ‘Motivation’ page here. From there you can checkout the original ‘damning’ document.

About Ken McMurtrie

Retired Electronics Engineer, most recently installing and maintaining medical X-Ray equipment. A mature age "student" of Life and Nature, an advocate of Truth, Justice and Humanity, promoting awareness of the injustices in the world.
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7 Responses to AGW Controls Fraudulent and Political

  1. There is much to know about the political and financial efforts behind the AGW scam. Are you also following what the German Green’s are up to?

    Limit Democracy and what do you have? A Dictatorship me thinks!

    Names like Stalin, Castro, Pol Pot of Cambodia, Kim Jong Il of North Korea, Benito Mussolini, Rafael Trujillo of the Dominican Republic, Idi Amin – Uganda and Muammar al-Qaddafi from Libya all spring to mind. And now we read that the German Greens consider we must have an ECO Dictatorship to save planet earth. Heaven help us. One wonders if we will be adding the names of Bob Brown and Christine Milne to the above list of world dictators, with the tag ‘ECO’ after their names.

    Germany’s green government advisors admit frankly that decarbonization can only be achieved by the limitation of democracy – both nationally and internationally.

    The Ugly Green Machine Rampages On ~~~

    • Just a quick reply for now. Thanks for your comments. I agree with your assessment. Overall dictatorship is apparently looming The stuation is exceedingly complex and of course, mainly ‘underground’. We are only seeing the ‘tip(s)’ and scratching the surface.

    • Another quick reply. Have had a look at the WBGU manifesto and am blown away. I guess I should have realised that a great deal of planning must be underway, but when I see this, it becomes clearer. Although they are on the CO2 bandwagon and 2 degrees C limitation goal, the organization, or transformation as they call it, is obviously the real issue. Very clever, but based on what will soon be recognised as a fallacy. Then, what will they come up with?
      “By now, there are change agents in all areas of society; in many countries, they even hold positions that can claim acceptance by the majority. The German federal government, the EU, the governments of the People’s Republic of China, India, the USA, South Korea, Japan and Indonesia are all pro sustainable development, and have presented corresponding strategies, ‘green growth’ models or energy sector remodelling plans.”
      This tells the story.
      Thank you very much for pointing me in this direction. A lot has become clearer to me.
      Regards, Ken.

  2. Glad I could pass something useful along. I personally thing Julia Gillard is afraid to go to the polls….. mind you I don’t (at this time) think Tony A is a much better proposition…. he is still hedging his bets about AGW. I want a politician who stands up and is accountable. Not someone who is in bed with the devil!! One of the main problems with all of this is the huge industry it has spawned. It is much like the ‘fat is bad for you’ and the ‘diet heart hypothesis’ which are both being proven wrong, but the industry it has spawned keeps it alive. (these are also pet hates of mine). I look forward to reading more of your blog. Thank you.

  3. Passing along Bob Carters latest… share it and let us fight this together

    Control the language,
    and you control the outcome
    of any debate

    Ten dishonest slogans about global warming, and ten little facts.

    Each of the following ten numbered statements reproduces verbatim, or almost verbatim, statements made recently by Australian government leaders, and repeated by their media and other supporters. The persons making these arguments might be termed (kindly) climate-concerned citizens or (less kindly, but accurately) as global warming alarmists.

    Global warming: 10 little facts

  4. Pingback: Why say YES to a CARBON TAX when it makes NO SENSE? « JustMEinT's Blog

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